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Clinical Only - The Functional Medicine Chronic Disease and Cardiometabolic Course
The Functional Medicine Chronic Disease and cardiometabolic course
Course Disclosure and Presentation Slides
Course Pre-Test
Section 1: Introduction (8:55)
Section 2: Why do we need to change the way we practice medicine? (9:07)
Section 3: Case Studies, What is Functional Medicine, Conventional & Functional Medicine (15:32)
Section 4: Chronic Disease, Weight Management, Fatigue, Dis-Ease vs Disease (9:54)
Section 5: Chronic Conditions, Cardiometabolic diseases, Metabolic Syndrome, Oxidative stress (11:06)
Section 6: Toxicity, 4 Pillars of Health, Obesity Epidemic (8:13)
Section 7: Medication Weight Gain, Fitness vs CV Exercise, Insulin Resistance (10:33)
Section 8: The Triumvirate, Alpha and Beta Cells, Diabetes, Incretins: GLP-1 and GIP (7:09)
Section 9: Leptin and Ghrelin, Pancreas, Causes of Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI), Symptoms of EPI (15:11)
Section 10: Skeletal, Musculoskeletal - Sarcopenia, Hydration, Gut Health (7:47)
Section 11: Digestion, Gut Functions, Microbiome and Diabetes, Lipopolysaccharides, Appendectomy and health risks (22:48)
Section 12: The Brain - “Type 3 diabetes”, Glycation & Oxidative Stress, Cardiovascular, Hypertension (13:44)
Section 13: Mitochondrial health, Telomeres, Genetic Considerations, MTHFR, SamE (17:16)
Section 14: Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Overfed and Undernourished, Nutrient Deficiency (6:58)
Section 15: Vitamin D, Magnesium, Zinc, B12, Iron, Copper, Potassium, Calcium, Iodine, Selenium (19:29)
Section 16: Antioxidants, Cortisol, Stress, CNS, PNS, SNS, ANS, Parasympathetic (peace) vs Sympathetic (stress) Nervous systems (9:11)
Section 17: CoEnzyme Q10, Glutathione (GSH), Meds and Nutrient depletion, Lifestyle nutrient depletion, (8:18)
Section 18: Inflammation, Hydration, Intermittent Fasting, Continuous Glucose Monitor, Heart Rate Variability, Reversing Metabolic Syndrome, Lipid panels, LDL and HDL/TG ratio (17:48)
Section 19: Documentation, C-Reactive Protein, Homocysteine (HCY), Fibrinogen (7:15)
Section 20: Lab Values, Food is medicine, Omega 3: Reduction in Systemic Inflammation, Gut Healing Nutrients (12:42)
Section 21: Eating Hygiene, Reading a Food Label, Food Dyes, Improving Sleep, Complementary Therapies, Probiotics, Prebiotic/Probitic (13:04)
Section 22: CV Supplement Considerations, (14:52)
Section 23: Case Studies (11:45)
Downloadable Audio Lectures
Additional Resources, Label Reading 101, Optimizing Supplement Absorption Handout, and more!
Course Evaluation
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Section 14: Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Overfed and Undernourished, Nutrient Deficiency
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